Retail Licenses: Beer, Wine & Liquor License

Retail licenses also commonly known as beer, wine & liquor license application are essential for businesses that plan on selling alcoholic beverages to consumers either for onsite or offsite consumption. However, the business cannot sell alcoholic beverages to any other business for resale purposes (B2B).

Retail license includes restaurants (Type-41/47); convenience stores and gas stations (Type-20/21) and bars (Type-42/48)

Furthermore, the licensee must comply with city/ county planning and zoning dept. Moreover, they might need additional permits such as conditional use permits or minor use permits.

Lastly, license issuance depends on a public convenience or necessity (PCN) letter. For restaurants, the applicant drafts their own PCN letter, whereas applicants for the bars and convenience store must apply for PCN with the local governing body.

Below are some commonly applied for retail licenses.

Type: 40- On-Sale Beer

The bar/tavern license permits the sale of beer for both on-premises consumption and off-premises takeaway. However, the sale of wine or distilled spirits is not permitted on the premises. While full meals are not required, the establishment must offer sandwiches or snacks. Additionally, minors are allowed to be present on the premises.

Type: 41: On-Sale Beer & Wine Eating Place

The restaurant license permits the sale of beer and wine for both onsite consumption and takeout. However, the sale of distilled spirits is restricted, except for brandy, rum, or liqueurs used exclusively for cooking. Firstly, the establishment must function primarily as a restaurant, with significant meal sales during standard meal hours, at least five days weekly. Secondly, the focus should be on food sales rather than alcohol, and suitable kitchen facilities must be maintained. Finally, minors are allowed on the premises.

Type: 42- On-Sale Beer & Wine Public Premises

Bar/tavern licenses permit the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for on-premises consumption only. On the other hand, distilled spirits are not allowed on the premises. Additionally, minors are prohibited from entering or remaining on the premises at any time. Moreover, to obtain approval from ABC, applicants must apply for a public convenience or necessity letter with the local governing body.

Type: 47: On-Sale General Eating Place

The restaurant license enables the sale of distilled spirits for on-site enjoyment. Additionally, it allows beer and wine sales for onsite and off-site consumption as well. To maintain this license, the establishment must operate primarily as a restaurant, with substantial meal sales during standard meal hours on at least five days each week. Additionally, the emphasis should be on food sales rather than alcohol, and the establishment must maintain suitable kitchen facilities. Moreover, minors are permitted on the premises as well. Finally, original licenses are only issued through the priority drawing process.

Type: 48 On-Sale General Public Premises:

Issued to bars and nightclubs, Type- 48 license permits the sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for on-premises consumption only. Additionally, minors are generally not permitted to enter or remain on the premises, with exceptions outlined in BPC § 25663.5, such as for musicians. Moreover, food service is not obligatory. Notably, the Type 48 license cannot be directly applied for; however, it can be acquired through purchasing and exchanging a Type 47 license.

Please click here for updated fees based on license types.

Below are the steps that we will expertly assist you with in your retail license: beer, wine & liquor license application process. At California Liquor License Consulting will be by your side, providing personalized guidance and support at every stage. From initial consultation to final approval, count on us to navigate these essential steps with precision and efficiency. We’ll ensure that all requirements are met, paperwork is completed accurately, and your application is submitted smoothly.

Introductory License Consultation
Provide initial consultations to clients interested in obtaining a liquor license. This can involve explaining the application process, discussing different license types available, and assessing the client’s specific needs.
Assist clients in preparing and submitting the necessary documentation required for a liquor license application. This includes completing application forms, gathering supporting documents, and ensuring all information is accurate and complete.
Help clients understand and adhere to the ABC laws and regulations concerning the operation of licensed premises. This can involve conducting compliance audits, providing recommendations for necessary changes or improvements, and guiding clients in implementing the required measures.
Assemble and organize all the required application materials into a comprehensive package. This ensures that the application is properly submitted with all necessary forms, fees, and supporting documents.
Assist clients in complying with the ABC’s public notice requirements, which may involve notifying residents or businesses in close proximity to the proposed licensed premises. This can include preparing and distributing public notice letters or postings as per the ABC guidelines.
Liaise with the local city or county zoning department on behalf of the client to ensure that the proposed location for the licensed premises complies with the zoning requirements for selling alcohol.
The purpose of the Public Convenience letter is to assess whether there is a need for the client to have a liquor license and whether it would benefit the community or local area. This letter is typically required in areas where the number of available liquor licenses is limited or regulated
Need assistance with your liquor license application process? Look no further! At California Liquor License Consulting, we specialize in guiding businesses through the intricacies of obtaining a liquor license. We are here to provide you with expert consultation and support every step of the way. Whether you’re applying for a new license, modifying an existing one, or seeking compliance consultation, we’ve got you covered. Don’t let the complexities of the process hold you back. Contact us today and let us help you navigate the path to obtaining your liquor license successfully. Cheers to your business success!